Death Take Not Your Breath

Have you had a moment in your life where you knew without a doubt that you were in the hand of God? God had been protecting you the whole time you were going through something, but you didn’t realize it was him.nathan dumlao 553951 unsplash

I recently experienced this very thing. It has been so compelling that I had to write about it and share it with you.

The hand of death could not take my breath. It was not God’s plan for me to die yet. God, The father, was watching over me by directing his child, Jesus to keep me calm in his hand. I want you to keep moving forward because you don’t always know when you are getting the help you need. God is still there and taking care of each one of us.

For about three years I have been having episodes of difficulty breathing. I had some minor work done on my heart about 30 years ago. So, whenever I mention this breathing issue to a physician, they want to check out my heart. It always comes out healthy. Then the doctor will say they don’t have any idea why I am having trouble.

About five times in the past three years I would have shortness of breath. My legs and feet would randomly swell. I didn’t notice I was having pain because I had become so immune to it.

I began having pain in my stomach. I had never had this type of pain before.  God had to get my attention. I let this go on for three weeks then I started to have a bit of trouble taking a breath. I went to an urgent care to have some blood work.

Once again, the NP wanted to do a heart work up. I was so upset but let her what she wanted. God knew best and directed her to do what I needed. But this time she added an extra test. This test was positive. I ended up in the ER with a diagnosis of Pulmonary Emboli or blood clot in my lungs.

My friends and family are praying for me all the time. They pray for the armor of God and protection of God in my life.

The word of God talks about his armor in;

Ephesians 6:13
Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.

The important thing here is I have been having blood clots in my lungs for three years. Was it a fluke that I ended up in the ER this time? Was it the hand of God taking care of me? This time I was having a lot of trouble breathing when I walked. This clot had to be bigger than the others. And people can die from clots in their lungs.

The word of God says;

Luke 12: 7
Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Psalm 121:7-8
The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

God was taking care of me even when I didn’t know I needed it. I know without a doubt that God could have given those physicians wisdom earlier to find the problem. But he has used me in many ways to reach others. I can touch another with my testimony. I can give strength to another who may be having tough times.

When it came to the bottom line, My Lord and Savior watched over me so no harm would befall me. He saved me from a death that was not my time. When my time does come, I will be with my father and rejoice at the moment.

Until that time, I am here to tell you never to give up. Never let go of what is good and righteous and the one real caretaker of your life. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

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