NO Way Out: No Footsteps To Follow

As winter approached, I sat thinking about how the snow would fall soon. Would it be so deep this year that there would be no way out to get to work? I have seen that in past years when it blanketed the ground in white wonder and left deep footprints when I walked in it.

No way out poem by laura fuller

No Way Out

The thick cloaking of snow reminded me of life. I have been through some tough times in my life; most of us have. Life is a process of trials and tribulations.

When we are in the midst of difficult times, it is hard to see our way out. A thick curtain covers our eyes, and that veil may be smothering the life within. I visualized my search for a way out, a way to get past the veil, to find a solution and breathe. But often, there was no way out and no good solution to solve my difficult times.

Dwelling on the problem and worrying night and day that there is no way out is not a good solution. Often, the pain is overwhelming, and there is no way to overcome the fear that things won’t be OK.

If only there were a trail to lead to safety, with footprints in the snow to follow.

There have been times in my life when I have felt that there was no way out. I have experienced sleepless nights trying to find a solution. I have spent countless hours attempting to control my situation, thinking things would change. If only I could make it all happen, it would be okay. Only in my most desperate moment did I realize that I have no control; only God knows the outcome. Only God can show me footprints in the snow and lead me.

I had to realize that believing that there was no way out was not reality. It was only through the confession that Jesus is my Lord and Savior that I found peace—the kind of peace that comes from knowing the Trinity and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

No, don’t get me wrong. When I found this peace, problems didn’t disappear, but the footsteps of God did appear to lead me to safety. I am human and forget to turn to my Lord and Savior in times of need. But when I do call on him, he gives me grace and the wisdom to find a solution.

It is through the whisper of The Holy Spirit speaking to my heart in that still, quiet voice that we will all find what we need to move forward.

When I give up my need for control and hand it to God, I can easily see the path he has made in the snow. It is a path that will lead me to his truth if only I trust in him. I know he may not give me all of the answers, but I do know he is wrapping his arms around me to comfort me in my times of heartache.

Turn to God for salvation and trust in The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit to lead you out of the storm. Take his outstretched hand and follow him.

“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Romans 10: 9

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