The Power Of A Smile: Secrets To A Healthier You

Smiling is more than just a pretty face; the power of a smile can change brain chemistry. Stress and anxiety are well-known in our daily lives. The benefits of a smile are transforming. Curving the lips upward may seem impossible at times, but it can improve mental health. Even a fake smile will have the same benefits as a genuine one. Let’s look at how the simple act of smiling can transform anyone’s day.

What Happens When We Smile

A smile will release neurotransmitters into the brain: dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. Each of these hormones is an integral part of helping the body roll into the feel-food state. They act as natural painkillers, decrease stress, lower blood pressure, and boost the body’s feeling of happiness. The power of a smile can transform a bad day.
These hormones perform a function in the brain and body that will make us feel better, even on a bad day.


Dopamine is a hormone that helps the brain communicate with the body’s cells and can affect mood, memory, and motivation.

  • Mood: Dopamine is the “feel-good” hormone that promotes pleasure and happiness.
  • Memory: Higher dopamine levels can produce clearer thinking, better memory, and increase the ability to learn
  • Motivation:  A smile releases hormones that produce good feelings, and the more we smile, the more our bodies remember the feeling.


Endorphins are natural pain relievers. When the body has pain, our brain releases endorphins to help lessen the pain. The body releases the same hormone with the power of a smile, giving the body an overall sense of relief, even if there is no pain.

  • Blocks Pain Receptors: Endorphins act as natural painkillers and tell the pain receptors to stop listening to the pain.
  • Stress Reduction: Endorphins cause the brain to think of pleasure, which will reduce stress.


Serotonin facilitates messages from nerve cells in the brain to the peripheral nervous system, regulating many organs in the body. It affects mood and learning. It also promotes a healthy heart, improves intestinal function, and increases bone density.

  • Mood Stabilization: Serotonin released in the brain gives a feeling of happiness
  • Improved Sleep: We have all heard of melatonin, which helps with sleep. Melatonin is the precursor of serotonin, which enhances the quality of sleep.
  • Overall, Health: Serotonin communicates with the body’s functions for better operating power.
the power of a smile brain

The Power Of A Smile Releases More Hormones

The brain is affected by many different hormones and how the brain works is unique. A smile releases more than three hormones to enhance mood and improve health. It can literally change so many things in the body.


Smiling can promote brain growth by building new neural connections for learning and better memory.

Enhanced Connectivity:

  • Strengthened Neural Pathways: The power of a smile builds better-functioning neural pathways to create positive emotions. The same muscles we use to smile will produce ‘happy neurons.’
  • Improved Emotional Regulation: New pathways will help to stabilize the emotional ups and downs.

Stress Reduction

The hippocampus, a part of the limbic system, converts short-term memory into long-term memory. When the body experiences chronic stress, it will damage the limbic system. The power of a smile can help to stand against this damage.


Cortisol is a hormone that regulates almost every organ in the body. When stress levels are high, cortisol can rise, increasing anxiety, heart issues, and weight gain. A smile will lower stress, thereby keeping cortisol levels at a healthy level.

  • Lower Stress Hormones: The power of a smile and lower cortisol levels help to protect the brain from harm.
  • Enhanced Brain Function: Healthy cortisol levels improve problem-solving, decision-making, and emotional control.

Social Connectivity

The power of a smile helps to build strong social bonds. We would all rather talk to a person who is smiling than one who is scowling.


Oxytocin is a hormone released when people fall in love and helps with contractions in labor. With a genuine smile, the body releases more oxytocin into the body, the same amount as when one falls in love.

  • Increased Bonding: When the power of a smile releases oxytocin to build feelings of trust, it improves bonding.
  • Improved Social Connections: A stronger connection forms with a smile because of the oxytocin released into the body.
the power of a smile fake

Tips On How to Fake a Smile

The brain doesn’t know the difference between a real and a fake smile and releases the same hormones into your body. A continued fake smile will lead to a genuine smile because the neurotransmitters eventually change your makeup because the body remembers the release of dopamine. Eventually, a fake smile will have the same positive impact on your body.

Best Way To Fake A Smile

But how can you fake a smile when you don’t feel like it? When you feel sad, a closed-lip smile is a good start. For some, it may be the only way to convince the body to release the feel-good hormones. However, there are ways to improve a phony smile to fool your body. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Start with the Mirror: Practice your forced smile in front of the mirror. Do the corners of your mouth turn up? Are your teeth clenched? Does it give off an artificial vibe? Now, that’s ok, but let’s move on.
  • Open Your Mouth Slightly: Open your mouth slightly to make your smile appear more natural. An open mouth can help the smile reach your eyes, which will make it look more natural to others.
  • Think of Something Funny: When you are feeling down, try picturing something that makes you laugh. It could be your favorite animal doing a goofy trick or something funny from your past. Your body will remember how the power of a smile made you feel, and a genuine laugh will lift the corners of your lips.
  • When All Else Fails: Go ahead and give it your best. Using your facial muscles to smile, even if you force it, will produce the same effects on your body.


Knowing the power of a smile and how it can produce hormones makes it one of the easiest ways to improve our health. It can change the chemistry of your brain chemistry, lighten your mood, and brighten your day. A smile can release hormones that will tell your body that you are happy even when you are not feeling happy inside.
Turn a frown around, and you will be surprised at how much better you feel. The power of a smile can truly transform your day and your life.

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