Your Vision Your Future Are in Limbo

I have been in the medical profession for 43 years and 40 of those years have been as a nurse. I cherished my job. I am proud to be a nurse. My knowledge base grew as the years passed.Your Vision Your Future Are In Limbo

My mind has always moved faster than my physical body. Because of this, I have needed to do many things at one time. Over the years I have tried numerous home marketing businesses and different types of nursing.

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I started working the floors then moved to obstetrics then moved to home health then I moved to lower management and finally ended my career as an ER nurse.

Searching for the solution

I was in search of something in my life that would fulfill me. I was searching outside of me for the answer. God had placed the solution right in the center of my heart. I had spent numerous hours and days of my life ignoring what was in my heart.

I had dreams and visions for significant accomplishments. But nothing I did was the answer. My vision of my future sat in limbo. Until about three years ago I started once again to do a multilevel marketing business. I am horrible at talking people into doing what I am doing so I can make money at it. MLM works for many people, but I was not one of them.

I have faced life and death in my workplace for all of my adult life. My thought process was people have to make decisions for their life based on information I give them. I would give all of the facts to a person regarding the business I was in at the time and if they said “no” I would be happy and walk away. I wouldn’t just tell them about it I would give them every detail in one sitting and wonder why they couldn’t see how it all worked. That was not a good way to make money.

I thought this was the way to fulfill my dreams. I didn’t really know what my dreams were, but I did know they yearned to burst out of me. Have you had that feeling on the inside that you are destined to do something different?

Writing to inspire

While I was writing posts and descriptions about products on social media, I realized I had left a dream behind me. It was a dream I had in high school and a vision I had developed out of my dreams. When my life began to rush toward a career, marriage, and children, I quickly forgot my dreams.

My dream and vision were to help others rise above their setbacks. I thought this would be in the form of writing a book. I was mistaken! I had to stop abruptly and reevaluate my life. I help people in my career in nursing, but that was not my true calling.

While I was in high school, I took a class on poetry. I wrote many poems during that year. And luckily I saved all of them. I pulled them out of storage and dusted them off. To my surprise, they were well written. At that moment the poems and prose stored inside of my mind and soul for years began pouring out onto paper.

Your dreams and visions

I recounted my story to help you see how your vision your future can be stored inside of you for years. Do you go to work and do the best job you know how to do but always feel something is missing?dream catcher in lights

You may have a dream in your heart that you want to birth into a vision. Is there a passion you have dreamed about but felt it could never happen? Do you go to sleep feeling like you are living for someone else?

I am not suggesting you give up your career or your job that pays the bills. A dream and your vision for your future is usually extra. What I mean is, it takes hard work. It takes determination and strength. You can not pay your bills with a dream. You first have to make your dream into your vision your future for the days to come.

Is your dream an artistic ability like writing or painting or is it a particular dream like a business or a golf course. Regardless of what it is dreaming takes time and planning to make the idea into a future possibility.

Have you noticed a dream or thought that pulls at your heart and invades your every waking moment. You don’t know what it is but you do know there is something more.

Dare to make it happen

It all starts with a dream that you make into a vision. Then you can create a plan and begin to implement it into your daily or weekly life. You can start to save or start with artistic abilities one piece at a time.

Let me give you an example. When I realized I had to get the dust off of my desire to write poetry I didn’t know where to start. So I wrote and wrote and wrote and improved. It is like exercising. You have to stick with it to developdare to dream and to sculpt your body to look the way you desire.

I thought my family and friends would see my vision the same way I did. NOT true!! It was my vision, not theirs. You have to be willing to move ahead and do what is in your heart regardless of the support of others. Do not expect loved ones to see what you see. They have received a separate dream and vision for their life.

Not everyone has a yearning and a dream. If you are one, who has been plagued with a sincere desire to do more than you are doing it is time to dig deep. Sink your toes into the mud and get busy.

Your future does not culminate overnight. It is a process, a lifetime of hard work and perseverance. If you want it bad enough, you will make it happen by cleansing your mind of suspended thoughts, washing off your dream and moving forward into your vision, your future.

14 thoughts on “Your Vision Your Future Are in Limbo”

  1. It is a long road for me but I haven’t given up nor will I. I strive to ensure I have the best future for myself as well as my son. If there is something or someone to always keep me going , its’s the thought of my son being set for his future.

    Great read Laura!

  2. Hey Laura,
    First thing first thanks for sharing this easy reading article. If there is one thing that I love doing along any of my careers, is reading motivational articles that’s what gives me the desire to not give up. Dreams and visions as you well said it requires a hard work but honestly, I never knew how to make my dream into vision before until I started my new career “online affiliate marketing”.


  3. Hey Laura 🙂 I couldn’t agree with you more. I went through the same thing with writing books for Amazon and other platforms. I guess I didn’t stick with it because there was too much competition and maybe I shouldn’t have given up. But now I am fulfilling my dream of helping others on Wealthy Affiliate. This time, I’m NOT quitting because I want to help others and be financially successful at the same time. Thanks for your inspiration!

    • Rob, when things seem the worst it means something good is coming around the corner. It sounds like it has come for you. Wealthy Affiliate has also helped my vision my future so I am no longer in limbo.
      Thank you Rob

  4. Ah, Laura, this is so wonderful! You make a very good point about how you cannot rely on your loved ones to see and understand what you know you must do in this life. It takes guts to think for yourself and walk away from the crowd. So are there any books or courses you could recommend on your site for writing poetry or writing in general?

    • Desa, thank you so so much. I have to be totally honest with you. The writing and poetry just pour out of me. I know very little about poetry. My very near future goal is to study more and share on my blog. Stay tuned for many wonderful things to come.

  5. This is such a great article – I completely agree that achieving our dreams is possible, but it takes a lot of hard work and effort! I’m so glad that you are getting to achieve your dream. What do you think are the main issues holding other people back from achieving theirs?

    • Amy, I think the main issue is that people are told life is easy and they can achieve their dreams by just wanting them. Like the genie in the bottle. They wish it and it will happen. But it takes perseverance and hard work to make dreams into a vision and then reality.

  6. Thank you for an inspirational article, Laura!
    I feel like this is me right now, trying to set a vision into life – and stop dreaming about it.
    I will take this with me on my path! 🙂

  7. Hi Laura,

    I’m so glad you made the point that dreaming is not enough. There are many of these motivational books and messages that imply if you have a dream, or a vision, you’re all set for success – they forget the part about having to work your socks off to attain your vision..!

    Great message – thank you!




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