14 Self Love Poems For Esteem, Trust, And Worth-Laura Fuller

How do you learn self love to increase your esteem, trust, and worth of self? If you are a lover of poetry, you will find what you need in these self love poems by Laura Fuller.

It isn’t easy to think about self love. We are taught that to care for ourselves is to be selfish. That is a false statement. You can not love another until you first learn to self love. You have to use self love to increase your self esteem and self worth. And in the process, you will learn self trust.

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Self Love Poems

Confusion Of Truth

By Laura Fuller

How will you know what is the truth and what are lies? It is all so confusing, especially when your self-esteem is at an all-time low. This poem speaks of the confusion of low self esteem.

sea of confusion girl on rock

Confusion Of Truth

in denial
wall of reality
sea of innocence
ocean of suspicion
awake to confusion
a soul in turmoil
of right and truth
good and evil
which way to turn?
what way to go?
show me the way
shall I ever know?

Heartbeat Of Life

By Laura Fuller

Each of us has a heartbeat. When we learn to trust others, we can join that beat and impact the world with change. The key is self love the result is self trust.

 Self Love Poems laura fuller heart beat of life

Heartbeat Of Life

heart of the matter
heart of the core
beating of life
pulsing vitality
radiating heat
generating energy
electricity courses
through veins
of the world
the center of life
of one or many
come together
as a word
as a world
as a universe
beating as one


By Laura Fuller

No matter how far down you go there is always up. Hold your head up, have courage and rise again. This is another of the self love poems relating life to a rollercoaster.

 Self Love Poems laura fuller roller coaster


take me high
crashing all around
faster I go
downward spiral
out of control
up, up, up
we go
no stopping now
courage, strength
soaring on a dream
to reach the top

Seed Of Love

By Laura Fuller

Self-love requires caring for yourself. Water your life and watch it grow. This is one of the self love poems that talks about caring for yourself as if you are a flower.

 Self Love Poems laura fuller r orchid

Seed Of Love

The flower of life
produced from the seed above
brought forth in the eyes of beauty
renders happiness
when watered


By Laura Fuller

To learn and grow, we have to take baby steps, fall, and get back up. You can not change and heal overnight; it takes time. This poem speaks of self love and giving yourself a break.

 Self Love Poems laura fuller  baby steps


Babies they grow
steps they take
fall and up again
Grown-ups they falter
one step then another
fall and lay low?
Why oh why are you down
when acts of the day
take many a night
to learn and grow?
No expert
ever rose on high
without a stumble and fall.
Kindness to self
imperfect you are
so steps you take
will cause a fall.
Get up and rise again
make steady your feet
to soar!

One True Talent

By Laura Fuller

You are worthy of living and breathing. Dig deep within yourself to find the talent that God has given you and then cultivate it. One True Talent is a poem that speaks of your talent as being you. You are the talent God has given you. Find your self love within yourself.

 Self Love Poems laura fuller talent

One True Talent

A gift I say
have none
was I passed up?
no talent bestowed?
I missed my talent
defeat and dispair
I searched and searched
just one I need
maybe small indeed
I dug so deep
the earth rumbled up
buried within
deeper and deeper
to the oceans depth
and there I found
my gift
it’s me!

Trust Me

By Laura Fuller

To trust who you are and your instincts is a major step in recovery and growth. You have to learn who you are all over again and listen to that small still voice within you. When you do this, you will build your trust in yourself again. This poem speaks of self love to build trust. Learning to love yourself unconditionally and growing in self-trust.

 Self Love Poems laura fuller trust yourself

Trust Me

At times I trust you
my best friend
worst enemy.
We are one from beginning
to end.
You fail me
build me up
laugh with me
and cry
but still no trust.
how will it be?
my trust in you
to guide me
with unconditional love?
you and me
we are one
born in the moment
growing together.
I am you and you are me
how will it be
to trust me?

A Storm Is Coming

By Laura Fuller

There will be many storms in your life. But one thing is always sure, and that is the faithfulness and mercy of our Lord and Savior. This poem speaks of self trust. It is about trusting God, which is a part of self love.

self love poems laura fuller storm

A Storm Is Coming

I buttoned down the hatch
and battened up the windows
I watched the storm track
and shook in my shoes.
What if I die?
the storm takes me away
From nowhere
my guiding light
broke my blindness.
In the midst of my storm
I couldn’t run
nowhere to hide
In the eye of my storm
I prayed, I cried.
Light so bright
the presence of God
His promises to hold me.
I faced my storms
I rose above
His faith never waivered
His mercy never failed

Love, Laugh, Renew

By Laura Fuller

You are worth all of the efforts you put in to change. Let yourself be free of the past and move forward. This poem speaks of setting yourself free with self love to build your self worth.

self love poems laura fuller love laugh

Love, Laugh, Renew

Fly fly away my friend
let the winds carry you
the waters to cleanse
laugh, love, renew
go fly on the wind
rise above the storm
for the times you knew
will pass away
the cleansing waters
are here to stay

Stand Strong

By Laura Fuller

You can’t listen to what others say about you. You are worthy, and you have to stand strong in your struggles. Don’t let gossip dictate who you are. This poem speaks of self worth. Know who you are and your value.

orange circle

Stand Strong

Perpetual motion
moving forward
one thought
unto another
one action.
Forward minds
think alike
or suggestion?
your thoughts
unto mine.
Social media
the culprit
or gossip?
Is the circle complete
or will my steadfast feet
stand strong for me?

Oh The Pain

By Laura Fuller

What do you do with the deep pain of loss? How do you build yourself back up? This poem is about the pain you have gone through, which has caused you to have low self esteem. At times the pain is so deep it is hard to get past it to find self love. You can do this!

girl in pain

Oh The Pain

What do you do?
Pain rushes in
stifles your air
takes your breath
constricts your heart
consumes your brain
awake all night
smothered by dark
What do you do?

Crystal Ball

By Laura Fuller

If only you had a crystal ball that could tell your future. Then you could avoid all evil and live happily ever after. But you don’t, nor will you ever have insight into your future. You have to trust in God, which is a form of self trust because Jesus lives in you. He will guide you and help you earn from your mistakes.

crystal ball

Crystal Ball

I wish I had a magic ball
to answer all my questions.
Or just a crystal ball
to tell my future.
I wish I knew
Oh what faith I need
to scale the ups and downs
to rise above my falls
Oh I wish I knew
the answer!

My Pen

By Laura Fuller

When you have low self-worth or self-esteem it is helpful to write down words of self-affirmations. Keep a list of your good qualities. At first, it may be hard to come up with some but dig deep and keep adding to your list. This poem talks of writing and how it will take you anywhere.


My Pen

My pen is my pal
it helps me decide
what life to take
what road to ride.
So, when I feel
down and alone
I pick up my pen
and away we go.
My pen takes me to seas
and back again
it shows me my dreams
where life begins.
So, you see
my pen is my pal
whatever I can be
my pen will see.

14 Self Love Poems For Esteem, Trust, And Worth-Laura Fuller pin

May you find self love in these words of poems. Take them to heart, heal and grow. There is light at the end of your tunnel; you just have to keep pushing forward to reach it.

Here are some other poems by Maya Angelou that will change your world that you may also enjoy.

And yet other poems by Laura will inspire growth.

May your life be full of love and your day be filled with sunshine.

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