Sail Your Ship and Gain The World

Today is the epitome of tough times. People are having more difficulties with depression and hopelessness. It may have something to do with how they work to improve their lives and gain the world, yet nothing changes. 

The difficulties can make one feel barren, desolate, and deserted. That feeling of aloneness and the thought process that no one else is going through the same horrible agony can escalate. 

One Small Spark

One small spark surfaced when I looked through my writing from years ago. Back then, I felt this way, but today I am writing to you, that one person who may need to hear this and may identify with these feelings of loneliness. 

Have you ever thought that “no one knows what I’m going through?” Well, you are right because none of us can ever see the actual turmoil inside of another. Not to mention, most don’t want to share the pain they feel. 

Social Media

Let’s take social media, for instance. In your turmoil and loneliness, do you ever sit and scroll through Facebook? As you look at your friends, you see they are so much happier than you. They all appear to have a perfect life, and you just feel more lonely. 

Is it an uphill battle and everything is piling up. There is an answer no matter what a person is going through, a bad relationship, no money to pay the bills, or depression. 

I don’t guarantee the answer will be easy, but how easy is life now? With that said, some may need professional help to turn things around. Asking for help shows strength, not shame. After all, you are seeking help by reading this article. 

What Is The Answer

Many would throw a prayer in here as the top step, but I will avoid that. The reason is that if someone doesn’t believe in the Lord, then prayer isn’t at the top of the list. On the other hand, if you are a believer, you may want to start with prayer.

With this in mind, these steps will help you find peace and gain the world. 

5 Steps

1. Professional help – If your situation has gotten out of control and affects your health, family, job, finances, etc. Then you should seek professional help. You can talk to a doctor, therapist, financial advisor, or any number of professionals. 

2. Do not compare – It’s so tempting to look at others’ lives and think, “if they were only doing this” or “if they just did that.” But when you do this, you are comparing yourself to someone else. You are saying, “If I were like them, then my problems wouldn’t exist.” Because of this, we must stop comparing ourselves to others. We have our own unique set of circumstances and challenges. So instead of looking at others and thinking, “why aren’t they doing this?” Think about what YOU can do to improve your situation.

3. Forgiveness – When you forgive another person, you are letting go of the past. You are forgiving them for their actions and allowing them to move forward without holding a grudge against them. In return, you get to live freely and worry less about the past. If you constantly have someone on your mind, it may be a grudge or a need to forgiveness. 

4. Reach out in kindness – If you know someone who needs help, be kind and reach out to them. , Take time to listen to others because in doing so, you can focus on others and let go of your own state of loneliness.

5. Be thankful – Be thankful for every day. Every morning wake up grateful for another day. Appreciate the good times and the bad. Remember that even though you may be having a rough day, there are people who love you and care about you.

Take Action

Move forward in love and forgiveness and with each new day, bestow your kindness on just one person.

Which Leads Us To This Poem

Here is my poem that started this whole post. 

Sail Your Ship

By Laura Fuller

If my ship sails into the harbor
I have gained nothing.
If my ship skims 
the waves of time
and sails into the harbor
of forgiveness and love
I have gained the world.

poem if my ship sales


“Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, ‘Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.’ “

Matthew 18:21-22

Out of all of these suggestions, forgiveness is the thing that will set us free, whether we are believers or not. For, when we forgive another person, it is not for them; it is for our own personal healing.

So fill your ship (your heart) with forgiveness. As you move on the open seas of life, keep your heart kind, and when you reach the end, you have gained the world. 

Life may still be painful and challenging, but you will be set free. One small act of kindness can lift a heavy heart.

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